Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Airport! TAKE 2

So 3 nights ago a volcano erupted in the Elution Islands sending ash straight into the flight pattern that Alaska Airlines uses for all its flights. So 3 nights of flight passengers were being forced into the airport at the same time, making everything much longer than expected. I got to the airport with an hour and a half till my flight, spend 45 minutes in line only to have the lady at the counter tell me that I'm too late for the flight. So she schedules me for a flight at 2 in the afternoon today, 14 hours after my scheduled flight. So on this rescheduled flight, the plane hit some ash and was damaged. The plane mechanics have been working on the plane for 2 hours now and im still stuck in the airport. I am sitting here with a guy who i am almost positive is in drugs. as a very happy little kid ran by, he said he wanted to make a serum that would make fully mature adults think they are little kids because of the innocence and playfulness. 10 minutes later a crying little girl walked by with her mom yelling at her, he said that that mood needed to be extracted from the serum. very odd. well ill update in seattle in however many hours it takes to get there.